2021 Student Council Elections
On March 4th and 5th 2021, students will vote for their student councillors for the first time in many years. The Student Council will be tasked with many important projects and will help the Executive Committee in overseeing the activities of the union.
For this election period, Councillors will be given a mandate that will start once elections are past and will end on May 31st, 2021. The student council is broken down into 2 categories (program representatives and demographic representatives). The 5 demographic representatives will be selected by the Executive committee through an application process. The 12 program representatives will be directly elected by the student body. The program representatives are further broken down into 5 categories (Social science, Science, Arts, Technical and Continuing Education). Each student in a given program will be eligible to vote for the representatives for their program category.
The executive committee sets the composition of the student council each year and decided that the composition would be set as follows based on the latest student body statistics:
4 Social Science Councillors
2 Science Councillors
1 Arts Councillor
3 Technical Councillors
2 Continuing Education Councillors
In order to become a candidate, a student must submit a nomination form which can be found below along with 15 signatures of students that eligible to vote that support the student's candidacy. The nomination period will commence on the 25th of January 2021 at 12:00 am and end on the 22nd of February 2021 at 12:00 am.
Below are the documents required for the nomination process:
Nomination Form (Downloadable Word Document)
Candidate`s Application Form (Online Google Form)
Voting will commence on March 4th, 2021 and close on March 5th, 2021 at
4:00 pm. Results will be announced on the day of the close of the polls. These elections will be completed with the use of a preferential single transferable voting system.
For any more questions on the 2021 Student Council elections, please contact elections@dawsonstudentunion.com