The Winter General Assembly is an important event for the Dawson Student Union. It is at this Assembly that the budget for the year is ratified. The General Assembly will be taking place on Zoom on April 27th, 2020 at 6 p.m.
This assembly will be happening online due to Covid-19 restrictions for in-person activities.
To access the GA, all you need to do is click on this link and login to your Dawson College email address on Zoom.
The General Assembly shall be chaired by officers selected by the DSU Executive Committee for this event. Both officers were selected for their experience and knowledge in accomplishing their respective tasks. The chair was also selected among non-student candidates in order to avoid potential bias.
Here are your GA Officers:

Miara Solivio (Chair) is a former Dawson Liberal Arts student that now studies at McGill working on her Bachelor of Arts. During her time at Dawson, she was a prominent member of DCMUN and gained a great deal of insight into how meeting governance works.

Abril Meza (Secretary) is a current General Social Science student at Dawson College. She has a great deal of experience doing secretarial and administrative work which she gained during her time as an office manager.
For any technical problems encountered during the GA, please contact us via social media or fill out a contact form below and we will try our best to assist you.
All Students who attend the GA from start to finish will have a chance to win 25$ UberEats Giftcard. Out of all students who attend the GA, 50 students will win the gift cards. A student may also decide to Donate the value of their gift card to the Native Women`s Shelter of Montreal (http://www.nwsm.info/). Students who do so will have their contributions matched by the DSU for a total of 50$ per student who chooses to donate.
The agenda for the Assembly will be following:
Adoption of the Minutes of the Fall 2020 General Assembly
Report of the Executive Committee 2020-2021
Ratification of Policies and Policy Amendments
Ratification of By-law and Constitutional Amendments
Presentation of the Financial Statements (FY June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020)
Nomination of the Auditor for FY June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2021
Student Group and Member Resolutions
GA Package
Student groups and members will be allowed to present resolutions to the assembly. To have a resolution brought before the assembly, it must be submitted at the latest by Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 6 pm ET to general@dawsonstudentunion.com. Resolutions that are racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, or contrary to the union`s core mission will not be tolerated or presented before the assembly. Resolutions must be of a political nature and objective and cannot alter the union`s internal functioning such as policies, by-laws, constitution, etc.
For more information on how to write a resolution, you can visit this link. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at general@dawsonstudentunion.com.